Comfort Food
Friday, June 5, 2009 at 6:08PM
Klutz in the Kitchen in Alton Brown, Homemade Macaroni and Cheese, Main Course, Souffle recipe, comfort food, comfort food recipe, duck eggs

It's been pretty miserable in DC the past few days--cold and rainy--great weather to wear pajamas and stay in bed all day. Unfortunately I have to work. I keep on wondering if April showers bring May flowers, what do June torrential downpours bring?

When its cold outside, I like food that is warm, easy to eat, tastes delicious, and makes you feel slightly guilty, but happy. Macaroni and cheese and chili are great options, however tonight we are having soufflé. I know you are thinking that soufflés are difficult, fancy, and certainly not comfort food.  I'm here to tell you this isn't true!  They are easy and delicious (eggs and cheese, how can you go wrong???) and a great comfort food. 

enjoying the souffle!I have duck eggs in the refrigerator so I am going to use an Alton Brown recipe but substitute regular eggs for duck eggs and cheddar cheese for Parano cheese.  Why, you ask, do I have duck eggs in my refrigerator?  On my aforementioned hiking trip, we stopped at a farm market that had them, and I was curious.  I'll keep you posted on what they taste like!

Update on Sunday, June 7, 2009 at 7:18PM by Registered CommenterKlutz in the Kitchen

Duck egg yolks are huge!The souffle was delicious, and the duck eggs were a novelty, but the flavor was similar to chicken eggs. The most noticeable difference was the yolks are much bigger than chicken egg yolks.  They were fun to try, but I'm not sure if I would buy them again.

Article originally appeared on Klutz in the Kitchen (
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