I'm taking the night off!
Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 8:11PM
Klutz in the Kitchen in Crystal Thai, Restaurant Reviews, Thai Square, ratings

Jannine, thanks for the amazing post.  I can't wait to try the grilled pizza.  It looks delicious. To all you kitchen klutzes out there, be a guest poster!  E-mail me at klutzinthekitchen@gmail.com if you are interested!

The Kitchen Klutz Dining on Take out ThaiSince it is my night off we had take out Thai food.  We usually order from Thai Square in Arlington--it's delicious and they deliver for free, but I switched it up a bit and we ordered from another highly rated Thai restaurant, Crystal Thai.  Of course I didn't tell my brother or my husband this...hah!  The blind taste consensus was that the food was good, but wasn't as good as usual.  For more details, my husband Jeff is going to write a review.

Update on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 9:18PM by Registered CommenterJeff

Hey, ya'll. My first blog entry. Up to now I have been an eater, rather than a blogger. As Mary's loving husband, I have been the beneficiary of all of the good recipes you have read to date. (I have actually gained 9 pounds since we started living together.) You would think her blog would be the best thing that ever happened to me. While I have benefited from even more good food than usual, I fear I have lost my wife. (Now take my wife . . . please). Mary now spends hours and hours in front of the computer screen. Our conversations go something like this, [Me] "Mary, do you want to go out of town this weekend?" [Long Pause] [Mary] "Hmmmnn." You get the picture. The blog has become the main topic of conversation in our household. Sorry President O.

Overall, I would recommend Crystal Thai, but give the nod to Thai Square. Check out my review

Look for my next guest appearance as Jefe, our cabanna boy (if Mary lets me post again after this).

Article originally appeared on Klutz in the Kitchen (http://www.klutzinthekitchen.com/).
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