Fabulous Favas
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 7:03PM
Klutz in the Kitchen in Cooking Tips, Fava beans with basil and thyme, Italian recipes, Italy, Main Course, Original Recipes, fava beans, fava beans with tomatoes and herbs, favas, mushroom couscous, preparing fava beans, sides

Blanched FavasI fell in love with fava beans on my first trip to Italy.  The large, slightly starchy, flavorful beans are only available in the spring (they wither and turn black in hot weather), but its a treat I look forward to every year.  In Italy, Favas are prepared simply--a bit of fresh spice and maybe some broth. 

Because they are fresh, they cook quickly.  However, I am the first to admit they are a pain in the neck to prepare.  Trust me it's worth it (or if you don't trust me, the next time you see them on a restaurant menu, try the dish!)  First you must remove the beans from the shell.  This is fairly easy and mindless.  You can watch Favas in the half shelltv, listen to the radio, or blog at the same time.  The beans that emerge look ready to eat, but they're not.  Blanch the beans for 10 seconds in boiling water, drain, and rinse in cold water to stop the cooking process.  Now the time consuming part begins.  Pierce each shell with a sharp knife and squeeze.  The bean should pop out!

TFavas and couscousonight we are going to have beans prepared two ways--with tomatoes and herbs, and Favas with garlic and thyme.  We are also going to have Mushroom couscous.

Article originally appeared on Klutz in the Kitchen (http://www.klutzinthekitchen.com/).
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