How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Monday, August 16, 2010 at 10:30AM
Klutz in the Kitchen in Cooking Tips, cooking with twins

our hungry boys, Alex and Wyatt. So far, they are not picky eaters!so having babies isn't quite as easy as it looks.  The boys are only seven weeks old, but I've already learned quite a bit about cooking with kids:

Although I have been delinquent about posting, I actually have been able to spend a decent amount of time in the kitchen.  I love summer cooking.  Simple meals are a great way to showcase the naturally delicious flavors of local ingredients.  We have had lots of salad, grilled corn, and tomato sandwiches.  I have made some more complicated recipes; however, I think the days of spending hours in the kitchen are over at least for a little bit.  and on that note, I am being beckoned.  Check out the recipe page for some updates!

Article originally appeared on Klutz in the Kitchen (
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