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Spring Time In the Farmer's Market

Morel MushroomsI always feel a mixture of happiness and annoyance during the The Distinctive Hollow Interior of Morelsfirst springtime farmer's market.  It's always lovely when color returns to the market--green asparagus, peas, and spring onions, purple irises, and red swisschard.  Of course with spring, the fair market attendees return (I am one of the few who go to the outdoor market year round to purchase bread, meat, potatoes and, if the hens are laying, eggs).  With higher attendence, even if you arrive Garlic Shootswith the opening bell, the market is very crowded.

This past Saturday I purchased some of my favorite ingredients--fresh morel mushrooms and delicate garlic shoots.  Morels grow wild in nearly every state.  They are distinctive in appearance and flavor, but the truest way to identify morels is by cutting them opening to reveal their hollow Pasta with Garlic Shoots and Morelsinterior.  Garlic shoots have a much more mild flavor then the older bulbs.  You can try them raw (I did) but I wouldn't recommend it.  However, when sauteed they become tender and sweet.  Together, the mushrooms and the shoots provided the perfect base for a light pasta sauce with the sweetness of the shoots playing off of the earthiness of the mushrooms.

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