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Looks Can Be Deceiving

ok, I'm not talking about myself here folks.  I really am talking about food.  But sometimes "fancy" food, really isn't that fancy.  I made two meals recently that look time consuming, but truly weren't.

paellaWe had some good friends over on Saturday night.  I wanted to make a dish that didn't require too much work while my guests were here so that I could entertain.  Paella requires some attention while the guests are here (about 15 minutes), but you can do all of the prep work beforehand.  I based my paella after a Culinary Institute of America recipe.  The Spanish probably wouldn't consider it "real" paella because you cook the dish in a Dutch oven, not a traditional paella pan, and in a regular over rather than an open flame.  It really is delicious, however.

The theme Saturday was Spanish Tapas, so I also made "Pisto and Anchovey Bocadillos"--little crosatinis with ratatuoille and anchovies on top--and sweet filo crisps with manchego and blue cheese.  I made way too much ratatuoille and I had leftover filo dough, so I decided to experiment.  I went a little overboard in the fish market--by overboard, I bought so much fish it wouldn't fit in my very larget dutch oven-- so I also had left over sea sea bass in a packetbass (As a side note, if you live in the DC area, go to Slavin and Sons.  The sea food is top quality and a wide selection.  It's not cheap, but I always think that high quality seafood is worth paying for.  A lot of the local restaurants get their fish from Slavin's its both a retail and a wholesale fish market) so they turn over the fish quickly). 

Only a crumb was left!I layered the sea bass with fresh tomatoes, ratatouille, basil, and triple cream goat cheese (I was going to use regular goat cheese but my husband came home with the triple cream instead.  It was a great mistake.  I would use it again). I then wrapped the stacks in filo dough, brushed the layers with butter, and baked the packets in the oven for 18 minutes.  Sea bass is a rich fish and it stood up to the filo dough, sauteed vegetables, and melted deliciousness of the goat cheese.  It was easy, elegant, and incredibly delicious.

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