Entries in carmel corn recipe (1)


I'm back!

Sorry for the hiatus folks, but I was foiled by comcast last night.  Not only did we lose our internet and phone, all of our neighbors lost their internet and phone service so I couldn't even use one of their networks.  By the time Comcast fixed our service I was already in a benadryl-induce fog (I think I was allergic to something in the black raspberry fields).  We did have a delicious dinner, however -- Tuna and Scallop Ceviche with Warm Carmel CornCeviche RecipeTo me, ceviche is a perfect summer meal--it's light and citrusy, high in flavor and protein but low in calories, and it's incredibly easy to make!  The "Carmel Corn" actually didn't have any additional sugar in it.  I removed fresh corn from the ear and sauteed it in a little butter and salt until it began to carmelize on the bottom of the pan.  I then deglazed the pan with a little bit of white wine, which made a delicious "carmel" sauce to coat the corn.  The warm sweetness of the corn was a perfect complement to the cold and citrusy ceviche.

Unbeknownst to me, my drivers license expired on my birthday last month even though I got a brand new license in February.  I only realized my license was expired when I tried to buy a box of Claretin and was denied.  The DMV is always an adventure; it's great people watching and most of the stereotypes are true.  I sat in the waiting room with a motley crew of compatriots for 45 minutes when a rather large, scowling woman called my number.  I had a great rapport going with Selma Bouvier until the time came to take my picture.  First offense--I smiled.  Second Offense--I had my head tilted.  Third offense--Selma forgot to save the picture.  Strike three. I was ready to give up my right to drive, and was adjusting my hair when BAM the flash went off.  Success, I think, although I won't get my new license for a week and I think my hand might have made the glamour shot. 

I definitely need to stress cook.  We are having pan seared grouper and Black Raspberry Honey Drops.