A bit of Cobbler

I had the best bbq of my life today. Actually, I don't know if it was truly the best bbq, but we were so hungry that smoked crap would have tasted delicious. We decided to go for a bike ride which turned into a 54 mile bike ride. We were tracking our journey based on how much further we had to peddle to get to the BBQ shack (mile 44). But seriously, Carolina Brothers Pit BBQ on the WO&D trail is wonderful!
Its Memorial day and my original plan was to bake a rhubarb pie. I was too tired and we didn't have enough time when I got home, so the pie turned into a cobbler. The beauty of cobber is that it is easy to make, you can use virtually any fruit, and its yummy! I like my cobbler tart with a nice biscuit crust on top. Since it has a relatively low sugar content, it also doubles as breakfast!
Amazingly, I did not burn myself tonight. The last time I made cobbler I placed it on my counter to cool and then reached up and over to get plate out of the cabinet. My belly grazed the side of the extremely hot pan and unfortunately for me, my shirt pulled up when I lifted my arms up to reach into the cabinet, leaving a nice welt on my stomach. Word of advice...don't burn your stomach. it hurts.