Entries in Grilled Lamb with Mustard and Herbs (1)


What a Week!

Grilled Lamb with Potatoes and AsparagusIt's been a busy week in DC--for those of you who follow closely, sorry I am behind on posting recipes!  I'll update them soon.  promise.  I went to the grocery store to get some rib eyes to grill, but they didn't look very good, so I came home instead with a butterflied leg of lamb.  I love lamb.  My mom credits it to the fact that she ate lamb chops the night before she gave birth to me and it was the only food I would eat until I was five. I usually buy a bone-in leg of lamb and roast it in the oven, but it's such a beautiful night and I was working on a relatively tight schedule the grill seemed the way to go.  Leg of Lamb can be a bit chewy (even though it's from a lamb, not older meat or mutton, the leg muscle does a lot of work!) especially if it isn't slow roasted, sEnjoying meat and potatoeso it is important to marinate the meat before it goes on the grill. Since I didn't plan ahead of time and only had an hour and a half to marinade, I increased the amount of acid (rice vinegar and Worcestershire sauce).  Lamb and dijon mustard go well together--ask Julia Childs--and of course garlic, mint, thyme and rosemary enhance the flavor of the meat.  I also added a bit of soy for salt and olive oil for flavor.  Since we were grilled, I threw some baby potatoes and asparagus in the marinade and grilled them as well.