Entries in peas recipe (1)


Spring Peas

Sadly it is Sunday night.  Once the torrential downpours ended yesterday, it was a beautiful weekend in DC.  We went to dinner at Oyamel last night, a Mexican "tapas" restaurant.  It was delicious (you can read more about it on the "restaurant reviews" page) and highly entertaining.  As we were walking into the restaurant, two police cars pulled someone over, the guy ran, managed to lose his shirt before he was tackled and handcuffed by two police officers.  Meanwhile another officer (there must have been 10 policemen on the scene) started ripping open the seats of his car and removing a white powdery substance.  I love DC.

Pasta with Spring Peas and MushroomsIn honor of the first day of summer, I am writing a tribute to spring peas.  I love peas.  In contrast to the nondescript, vomit colored canned variety, peas are naturally sweet and not too starchy, and literally brighten up a meal.  You can eat them raw on salads, steamed, or in a multitude of dishes.  Besides peas, I bought some interesting looking "honey" mushrooms in the farmer's market yesterday, and some fresh tomatoes and mozzarella.  I'm going to make a pasta "sauce" with above ingredients as well as some garlic, basil, onion, and chicken broth.  I was thinking about adding some additional spices (mint and peas go great together.  I have an amazing recipe from the Culinary Institute for a cold pea soup with mint), but I didn't want to overwhelm the flavor of the peas.